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2023-09-24  点击:[]

2301 桂雪

2301 马睿 张佳奇 高凤翎

2302 杨鑫宇

“56 constellations 56 flowers,56 brothers and 56 sister is a family” , whenever I see these words,the melodious singing will unconsciously spread to my heart.

China is a country which consists of a large family of 56 ethnic groups.All groups help each other,progress together,grow and contribute themselves to realize the dream of china.On May 12,2008,a powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 has struck china‘a southern province of Sichuan.Thousands of people lost their lives and even more people became homeless.However,the Chinese people faced this disaster hand in hand with compassion and courage. Many rescue teams and medical professionals from all over the country even abroad came to the earthquake stricken areas to rescue the survivals. What’s more,when fight the flood and provide relief,get out of poverty,fighting the epidemic,it is the people of all nationalities share a common fate that We can overcome these difficulties and let the Chinese family continue to improve and become stronger.

As young people, We should also have broad ambition and shoulder the great responsibility of society.Gathering everyone’s own strength into the realization of the dream of china.

Grand china,has a long history of five thousand years with a united nation and a close family.Let each of us, each nation,twist into a rope to make our national flag redder and our motherland more prosperous!



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