贾婧扬,女,汉族,讲师, 2003年毕业于内蒙古大学外国语学院英语系并执教于内蒙古农业大学外国语学院大英第一教研室至今。曾在北京航空航天大学硕士研习班学习并毕业,并多次参加外研社在北京﹑上海﹑杭州等城市举办的全国高校大学英语教师培训;2014年赴美国拉文大学进行英语教师教学技能培训并顺利完成培训任务。任职期间所发表的论文著作有:《试析简爱的出走与回归》﹑《英汉句式差异初探》﹑《伊斯兰文明使欧洲的科学文化获益良多》﹑《现今澳大利亚大众文化中的外来因素》等。
Jia Jingyang, lecturer of Foreign Language College, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, has been working in this university for nearly 10 years from 2003 till now.
Hadn’t being employed before the job above, I graduated from Foreign Language College, Inner Mongolia University as an English major who got a Bachelor of Arts Degree.
During the ten years of teaching, I was offered several times to participate in the training related to college English teaching skills in some cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Hangzhou in China. Doing research is another task for me. Here are some of my theses which were published in recent years:
A Tentative Analysis of Differences Between English and Chinese Sentence Structure—Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) ,No. 6, 2008
Borrowed Factors in the Modern Pop Culture of Australia— Journal of Language and Literature Studies, No.5, 2009
The Influence That Christianity Brings Upon English Language—Journal of Language and Literature Studies, No.7, 2009
Tentative Analysis of Jane Eyre’s Departure and Return—Journal of Language and Literature Studies, No.9, 2009
I acquired the qualification of lecturer in the year of 2010.
I had been to University of La Verne, the United States in 2014 for the purpose of professional training.