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2023-04-20  点击:[]

2101 姜盼

This a novel which tells readers a magical historical story about a landlord Ximen Nao in North-eastern Gaomi county, who was unjustly killed during the Agrarian Reform period and was punished into the six times reincarnation due to his resentment towards the human world. It gives readers a vivid description of the changes in rural area of China in the context of turbulent times. After Ximen Nao was executed by shooting with a full of hatred, he was forced to experience six times reincarnations, one after another becoming a donkey, a cow, a pig, a dog, a monkey, and finally being reborn as a big-headed baby with congenital incurable diseases. The big-headed baby gushed about his unique feelings as a livestock, as well as the sorrowful and joyful stories of the landlord Ximen Nao family and the farmer Lan Lian family for more than half a century. The story ends miserably with the death of one character after another.

From this story, most readers can observe the tumultuous and painful transformation history of Chinese rural society over the past fifty years through the eyes of various animals.

The story is so well-knit and fascinating that the reader cannot put down the book before the finishes reading it. This novel tells us that the reason why people are tired in life and tired in death is due to greed. Only by letting go of hatred and greed can one easily live and find the joy of being a "person". In addition, the book also showcases a strong vitality that people have been living for generations, with a passion and hope for life, and an imagination for the future. Even if life is difficult, we should have the initial perseverance and will never yield. In summary, the book  tells us to let go of greed, maintain passion and hope.

2101 冯茜

If I ask you who is the ugliest person in literary works? Do you think of Quasimodo from Notre Dame de Paris? But today I won't discuss Quasimodo, rather want to share some of my views on Esmeralda with you.

Notre Dame de Paris is a compulsory book for middle school students. When I first read this book, I thought Esmeralda was a kind-hearted beauty. But when I read it again, I came up with some new ideas.

Esmeralda had always wanted to find her mother and fortunately they met in church by chance. However, they had only just met, people who arrested Esmeralda had already approached them. If her mother had hidden her, everything would have be fine, and a new life was about to come. But the moment Esmeralda heard the voice of Phoebus, she forgot everything and only knew to stand up, rush out, and loudly call out to the person she loved. This action directly led to the death of her mother and her own hanging.

Maybe Mr. Hugo is to some extent using the kindness and beauty of the protagonist to contrast stupidity. The previous text always describe Esmeralda's beauty and kindness, but later write that Esmeralda tramples on Casimodo's love recklessly. She doesn't see Quasimodo's love, only see Quasimodo's ugliness, and accepts his kindness with peace of mind. At the end, the writer writes about her foolish behavior, which would make readers even more disgusted by the woman who lost her head for love.

The stories in the book, whether fictional or realistic, come to some extent from reality. When you read this book again, you may have different feelings than when you were in junior high school before, and you may find that many "Esmeraldas" are around you.

2202 王佳


“云边有个小卖部,货架堆着岁月和夕阳,背后就是山。老人靠着躺椅假装睡着,小孩子偷走了一块糖。泪水几点钟落地,飞鸟要去向何方。人们聚和离,云朵来又往。讲故事的人,总有一个故事不愿讲。时光飞逝,悄悄话变成纸张。” “云的边缘带上金黄色,天际缓缓变亮,朝日从云边出来,霞光无声蔓延,翻腾的云海似乎就在脚下。”我惊艳于作者的文笔,也惊艳于他笔下的情感细腻的人物和温柔到极致的环境描写,像是置身其间,感受着时间在作者的笔下缓缓流淌,像是终于找到了可以停泊的港湾。


我永远记得程霜的那一段话:“生命是有光的。在我熄灭以前,能够照亮你一点,就是我所有能做的了。”我曾无数次地感动于这个像是太阳一般的女孩子,耀眼而又温柔,即便身患绝症,却活得异常洒脱,像是山间来去自由的风,成为了一束温暖的阳光。作者在《云边有个小卖部》中写道:“有些人刻骨铭心”,没几年会遗忘。有些人不论生死,都陪在身旁。也许故事的开始早就暗示了我们程霜和刘十三的命运,我多么希望他们之间能有如果。“那么热的夏天, 少年的后背被女孩的悲伤烫出一个洞, 一直贯穿到心脏, 无数个季节的风穿越过这条通道, 有一只萤火虫在风里飞舞, 忽明忽暗。”







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